Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Administrative Council and Rotating Homeless Shelter

I have continued to give a lot of prayer and thought to this. God has brought me into many conversations with folks in our community of faith who are struggling with this.

I have discovered that I need to repent of something I posted on my blog last week. We should not be "revoting" this issue due to how the vote in October was taken. I am not a legalistic person, and I have always been a spirit of the law, rather than letter of the law leader. I know that everyone voted in good faith, and going back and rehashing that will not bring glory to God.

It has also occurred to me that we have actually voted on the same issue twice already. In September, we decided to consider this with two questions. The question we voted in September was whether we want to host the shelter. It was unanimous that we want to. Then we decided to see if we have the volunteer base needed to host the shelter and vote about the logistics of everything in October. The vote in October was supposed to be about logistics, like organizing the volunteers and community notification. But in October, we essentially revoted what we had voted in September. We voted about whether we want to have the shelter and reversed ourselves.

So what will happen in November? Only the Spirit knows. If the conversations others have had with me are any indication, most of the Administrative Council members who were not present are feeling it is important that we discuss this issue further. How that will go is up to the Council.

P.S. A correction, the council meets on Tuesday not Sunday... the correct date is Nov. 14. (Dates of Sundays order my life, so I can get stuck on them!)

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